Monday, July 6, 2020

Day 2 of 10 - The beautiful portrait of Divya Bharati...

Divya Bharati
The beautiful "Divya Bharati" - 1993
Ballpoint Pen on Paper (8.5" x 11")    

How many still remember the very short-lived and very beautiful Bollywood actress, Divya Bharati who became so popular in no time? I guess, everyone who lived in 1990s or born after 1990 remembers her. It was a shock for many including me to know from the news that she was no more on the day she left the world.

Back to 1993...
I still remember, in Hyderabad, a day after that sad news, when I returned from office in the evening, my roommates were all talking about her, reading an article published in "Deccan Chronicle" daily news paper, evening edition. The article had a beautiful black and white picture of her published. This portrait was based on that specific picture published in Deccan Chronicle.

It was an instant, very casually done portrait, straight with a ball-point pen on a used computer printout I found on my books. In fact, it was a dot matrix printer paper with holes on both sides for the printer to hold the paper. The front side of the paper had my one-page resume printed and the back side was all blank. I was not prepared to do a drawing, actually, to even find a good paper for it. The instinct was that instant.

I can probably attribute this work to very few instances at which I did an Art work while both my skill and concentration levels were working at their best. I myself say "beautiful" whenever I look at this work of mine. Sometimes, an art work looks more beautiful than the actual photograph. This one is surely and truly an example of such.

At that time, we had no media for individuals, and social media was not even an imaginable technology to wish the soul with a personal rest and peace kid of messages. Now, while I recollect those moments when a write this post on "The beautiful portrait of Divya Bharati", I don't want to use the traditional three letter acronym. I would rather say- 
You will be "Remembered In Peace" forever, Long live in the hearts of your fans!!

"Be so good they can’t ignore you." ~ Steve Martin


  1. "Remembered In Peace" claps for the new word👏👏👏
    Super beautiful portrait !

    1. Oh thanks a lot, makes me feel happy to know that someone read my words and appreciated!
