Good Bye 2016 |
It's that time of the year, we look back to collect what we have achieved and try to recollect our memories with our achievements. When I look back to collect my memories with Art, this year I did less number of paintings compared to previous years. But I did not stop doing it. That makes me feel happy. It's my firm belief that, "
When you stop doing something, you stop advancing with it". It applies to many-things in life, it applies more to Art.
When time folds one year as
gone, it unfolds another year as
to-go. As life goes on, more years get folded and deposited into "
gone past". The deposited years are not available for withdrawal. They can only be withdrawn in the form of "
memories". Memories that can only become more precious over time.
As this year moves close to the transition line of "
the gone", I say my heart-felt "
Good Bye" to
2016. Looking forward for another Artful and Peaceful
New Year!
Good Bye to 2016 and Welcome to 2017!
Happy Painting!!