Live for the Love of your passion - Watercolors on Paper |
Each day comes, much of it pre-filled with day-to-day routine stuff. We get very occupied and at the end, only feel tired. Living is not racing with time, it is living the way you want, doing things you want to do, and enjoying what you do.
Everything doesn't happen the way you like to. But you can certainly make certain things happen the way you like. If you find those things, you should continue to spend both time and effort for those. Once you do, you will not regret when you look back.
I am glad to keep alive my passion, my best-friend in my life, which will not go away from me. When I am with it, I am fully living my life, my life with it and in it!
Live for the love of your passion, and simply love it!
Happy Painting!
"If you are lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you have to find the courage to live it." - John Irving
Title: Live for the love of it...
Reference: Shobhna's video (South Indian Actress)
Category: Nātyānjali - Indian classical dance
Mediums: Watercolors on Paper
Inspiration: Passion for Arts...
Size: 9" x 12" (22.9 cm x 30.5 cm)
Surface: Strathmore 400 Series, 140lb Watercolor Paper, Cold Press