Monday, September 5, 2022

To a Teacher up in Heavens...

Right most sitting in the school photo was my Dad at the
High School, Sullurpet,  Nellore, AP, India

"My Father was my first and best Teacher".

With the best hand-writing I have ever seen and the very best Artistic skills, my Dad was a Teacher by profession. I only had watched him closely before I was 9 years old. At that age, I used to say to myself, when I grow up, I want to write and draw like my father does. Also, the concern he showed for poor kids was something touched me deep.

God neither gave me an opportunity to be his student, nor to wish him a "Happy Teachers Day".

From earth, I wish my Dad up in heavens a "HAPPY TEACHERS DAY" who is guiding and blessing me all my life invisibly.



  1. Father is usually the first guru and

    guide in any ordinary, sane family.
    Great that you drew inspiration from your father 🙏🙏.
