Saturday, January 26, 2019

Just enough is more than enough...

A Sketch for an Oil Painting
Oil on Canvas, 2 Feet x 3 Feet (24" x 36")

I see some of my Artist friends spend too much time in getting more details into a sketch for an Oil/Acrylic Painting. From my learnings, failure & successful experiences, sketching is an important first-step in Painting, but it must be fast and fairly accurate. It is the beginning phase with which an Artist can quickly decide on the composition and do quick outlines of the main objects with just minimal details.

Oil Painting, particularly is relatively longer anyways, and offers opportunities for corrections at any and every given stage. So, there is no need to spend too much time upfront on the details. Even if you put in all the details, they go away covered by paints once you start painting. As long as the composition and proportions look fairly accurate and good to you, that is good enough. I wouldn't spend more than 15 to 30 minutes on sketching for an Oil Painting.

Many professional oil-painting Artists do sketches very quickly. If a more detailed study is needed they do it separately on a Paper with a pencil or a pen. Good Painters are also good at drawing and sketching. I have seen and heard people saying that Painting doesn't require any experience with drawing. That is a complete-lie and totally wrong. It's like saying, you don't need to know how to walk in order to run. Drawing skills are basics in Art. Aspiring Artists must practice and keep practicing basics. There might be shortcuts for earning money, but not in learning. Practice is the only way! The more you practice, the more you learn and the better you will be.

Learning is a life-long process. The moment we step into this world, our learning starts. We only graduate in life moments before we die, if we live a full-life, of course. Those who don't make it that far are only dropouts.

This sketch with left over oil-paints is fairly big in size, 2 feet x 3 feet (24" x 36") and I spent about 30 minutes to do both my sketch and underpainting. I am all set now for another colorful journey, can't wait to get my hands dirty with Paints all over ;)

"He who knows that enough is enough will always have enough." - Lao Tzu

Happy Painting!
Do not stop learning, do not stop growing!

The progress - Step by step

Mediums: Oil on Canvas
Reference: A photograph from my collection
Size: 2 Feet x 3 Feet (24" x 36")
Surface: Artist's Loft Stretched Canvas board, Gesso'd to cover an abandoned sketch

Monday, January 21, 2019

Grow young...

Nátyánjali - My tribute to Indian Classical Dance
Oil on Canvas 22" x 28" (55.8 cm x 71.1 cm)

You are born only once and you celebrate your birthday each year. But, you can be reborn and celebrate it everyday with your passion. There is a reason behind every life in nature. Everything that happens in and around your life is only supportive for that. It takes long time to find it out. Once found, live with a passion for it. Then only you will grow, and grow young...

This Oil Painting is my Gift to myself on my Birthday today. I worked hard to finish it by today. Happy to start my day by giving finishing touches to it, finished and signed.

This is my 10th finished Oil Painting, first this year. The color combination was bit challenging. I changed background colors few times and finally settled with the same prime colors of the main painting. First time on this brand of canvas, it challenged me to great extent.

"It takes a long time to become young." - Pablo Picasso

Happy Painting!
Grow young and stay young forever!!

Title: Nátyánjali - My tribute to Indian Classical Dance
Mediums: Oil on Canvas
Inspiration: Passion for Arts, Dream for Oil Painting
Reference: A photograph from my digital collection
Size: 22" x 28" (55.8 cm x 71.1 cm)
Surface: Artist's Loft, Level-2, Stretched Canvas board

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Enjoy the outcome..

Oil on Canvas - work in progress
Video Credits: Bhuvan Pottepalem

Several people have been saying to me lately that it's easy for me, and I do Paintings just like that. No, that's not true. In fact, nothing is easy for me in life. There is only sheer hard work behind every result and every success of mine.

"The fruit of your own hard work is the sweetest." - Deepika Padukone

Happy Painting!
Work hard and enjoy the outcome of it!!

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Smile with colors...

Smile with Colors
Watercolors on Paper - 8.5" x 11" (21.5 cm x 27.9 cm)

Smile with colors, the natural colors within you. Then a day of any kind will shine on you with the smiling colors within you.

"Colors are the smiles of nature." - Leigh Hunt

Happy painting! Keep exploring the natural colors within you!

Title: Smile with Colors
Mediums: Watercolors and Ink on Paper
Reference: A random Photograph from my Digital Library
Size: 8.5" x 11" (21.5 cm x 27.9 cm)
Surface: Artist's Loft Sketchbook, 75 lb/110 gm2 Acid-free Paper

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Details do matter...

Details - Oil On Canvas 22" x 28" (56 cm x 71 cm)
A tiny portion of my new Painting

Details do matter. A big picture is a sum of many details, with each detail crafted carefully and blended into another. Each day in life is nothing but a detailed memory. A series of memories becomes an experience. Not giving importance to details is like neglecting memories.

Artists take viewers into details at various levels. Abstract or detailed, it doesn't matter in Art. A painting of any kind takes viewers into its own level of details. An abstract painting may take into higher level of details, while a detailed painting may take into the deeper levels. A viewer can feel the experience of an Artist only when gone inside, into the details of it.

"The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life."
- William Morris

Don't be abstract in life, give details, and pay attention to details!
Happy Painting!

Mediums: Oil on Canvas
Size: 22" x 28" (56 cm x 71 cm)
Surface: Stretched Canvas board