Oil Painting - A Sketch - the very first step |
Oil Painting - has been my dream for the longest period in my life. In the era of no(n)-internet, when I was working in Hyderabad, India, I tried all reachable resources: Books, Friends, City Central Library in Chikkadapally, Art stores etc. to get myself little educated with the material and the process of Oil Painting. But my efforts had no luck.
Though I tried Oil Painting almost 15 years ago when I was living in Chicago, I did not get into it seriously. Five years ago, I made another sincere attempt, but kept it aside and got more into Watercolor Painting. Some of my friends even said I should revisit my blog title "My Soul On Canvas". Now, finally, I revisit it. I revisit my dream, with much more discipline, much more determination, much more sincerity and much more self-motivation-and-inspiration.
I learned the fact, the hard way: unlike Watercolor Painting, Oil Painting requires more time & effort. It is also often said that if one can do Watercolor Painting, Oil Painting should be easy. I am not entirely sure on that, but, I do believe, each one comes with it's own challenges.
After making my initial investments of my time, efforts and money to put my
Soul On Canvas; with this Painting, I start putting my baby steps into it. Soon, I am hoping to learn how to walk first before I will try to run.
I sincerely believe in
Sincere Efforts. This time, I will try to be more sincere than ever.
Efforts will never go waste...after all, at the end if we don't succeed, we at least learn.
Happy Painting!
Mediums: Oil on Canvas
Size: 22" x 28" (55.8 cm x 71.1 cm)