Colors of Life - Watercolors on Paper |
Life is colorful. It is filled with colorful experiences. Some are gone with the past, don't leave any impressions, completely erased with time, we won't even be able to recollect those and we are left with just blank. Some are gone with time but not fully erased yet, by leaving lighter impressions and when recollected they change their colors. Some never go into the past, leaving ever lasting but never changing impressions, unerasable, both dark and light, and don't change their colors at all.
Years come and go but experiences remain with us. Some fade out completely and disappear into the past. Some mix with others nicely and change their colors over a period of time. Some don't mix with any at all and remain as-is forever.
"Color comes to life when you add a little love." - Anthony T. Hincks
Happy and Colorful New Year!
Happy Painting!!
Title: Colors of Life
Mediums: Watercolors on Paper
Inspiration: Passion for Arts...
Size: 9" x 12" (23 cm x 30.5 cm)
Surface: Arches 140lb, Cold Press