
Saturday, November 9, 2019

Be Graceful and Beautiful...

Nátyánjali - my tribute to Indian Classical Dance
Watercolors on Paper (8.5" x 11")    

Talent is born with you and stays hidden within you, until you identify and put-in efforts to bring it out. Identifying and bringing it out is enough to be talented, but not enough to stay talented. Practice makes you stay there. Those who practice their talent become and stay talented.

So, first identify your talent, then practice to become and stay talented!!

This is a very classic pose in Indian Classical Dance. I made minor changes from the reference picture I took to make it look more like my favorite dancer, who was so delicate, graceful and beautiful by all means in dance. People who know me enough, know very well who that dancer is ;)

Also, this is one of my favorite paintings in recent months. I got what I wanted, 100% in this painting. My initial base pencil sketch went through several erases while progressing towards "Grace and Beauty" that I was aiming for. But keeping up with what I got in pencil-sketch all through the next painting stage was a BIG challenge. The supportive vertical black split-lines I added enhanced it further. But, I spoiled it at one point by adding a drop of orange color to the mix. Like life, painting is a process that takes you through ups and downs. At the end what matters is, how we arise from a downfall and get going towards our goal. I was happy with what I did with colors further to turn what I thought I spoiled into improved.

Best Compliment
One of the best compliments I got in recent years was from an Artist friend on Facebook. His words made my day! He read my heart in this Painting. Click to read his compliment.

Happy painting! Turn down side up!!

"Be graceful and beautiful in what you do, than in what you say." - Giridhar Pottepalem

Title: Nátyánjali - my tribute to Indian Classical Dance
Mediums: Watercolors on Paper
Size: 8.5" x 11" (21.5 cm x 27.9 cm)
Surface: Artist's Loft Sketchbook, 75 lb/110 gm2 Acid-free Paper